Wednesday, May 15, 2013

TUCSON: CCA Celebrates 30 years of destroying communities!

Evo DeConcini Federal Courthouse, Tucson
may 13, 2013

Approximately 80 people of faith and other concerned citizens turned out in downtown Tucson this week to observe Corrections Corporation of America's (CCA) 30th anniversary of incarcerating people for profit. While CCA runs prison for several state entities, they also operate a number of immigrant detention centers in Arizona, including the Eloy Detention Center which has come under recent federal scrutiny due to the high incidence of suicide among detainees. The protest was organized by the American Friends Service Committee of Tucson.

A major issue for many AZ taxpayers is the fact that two CCA board members are also on the Arizona State Board of Regents: Dennis DeConcini and Anne Mariucci. SHAME on them both for profiting from the exploitation of immigrants and incarceration of anyone CCA's lobbyists can help criminalize – they've sold out our future generations for a few shares of private prison stock.

CCA's disrespect for human rights applies to all prisoners, not just immigrant detainees. LaPalma Correctional Center in Eloy, AZ has degraded it's Kosher food program so much that the California prisoners warehoused there are beginning to refuse certain meals and are conducting a public education campaign about religious rights. They have tried for over 1 ½ years to resolve this through CCA”s administrative processes to no avail, and are asking the community to bring pressure to bear now on the political system, as constitutional rights for all prisoners are at stake in this struggle.

Towards that end, I'm encouraging folks to contact Dennis DeConcini and Anne Mariucci at the AZ Board of Regents office – I think it will have bigger impact there than if correspondence goes through CCA channels. Their contact info is:

Arizona Board of Regents
2020 N. Central Ave., Suite 230
Phoenix, AZ 85004-4593
T: (602) 229-2500 • F: (602) 229-2555

If you wish to contact CCA HQ, go right for the top and send your letter to the President, Damon Hininger. He should be able to get your letters if you send them here:

Corrections Corporation of America
10 Burton Hills Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37215
Phone: (615) 263-3000
(800) 624-2931
Fax: (615) 263-3140 

Be sure to put Dennis DeConcini and Anne Mariucci in the cc, so he knows they're waiting for an answer, too. Or you could just make signs for the next protest, if necessary, and send Hininger some pictures expressing your feelings...

 Hang in there, Guys...