Sunday, December 6, 2009

CCA Profits from Imprisonment of Human Beings

A letter to the editor From Ken at the Private Corrections Institute - those guys rock!


Georgia: The Millen News, Jenkins County, GA.
November 25, 2009
Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor:

I am honored that Correction Corporation of American’s (CCA) spokeswoman Louis Grant thinks our tiny organization, the Private Corrections Institute (PCI), might exert a powerful influence in the Millen community (Letters, Nov. 4, 2009). In fact, CCA with $1.5 billion in annual revenues uses its power to drown out a great deal of factual public discourse regarding their operations.

PCI’s single purpose is to educate the public on the issues arising from for-profit corrections. CCA’s only purpose is to profit off the imprisonment of human beings. We think they’re doing that in a way that endangers their employees, the public and inmates and detainees.

CCA would have the public believe that it’s the answer to all Jenkins County ’s economic woes. A substantial body of long term, peer-reviewed, university and think tank research has demonstrated the opposite is the case. The presence of their prisons typically represents drains on community resources and promotes economic stagnation.

CCA claims to offer “well-paying, stable” jobs. If a person is willing to work under dangerous conditions for fast-food wages with expensive benefits, and is comfortable with 50+ percent annual turnover rates, an unstable job might be waiting for them.

Ms. Grant resorts to calling PCI names because she knows that the facts are on not on CCA’s side. If CCA wants Millen residents to believe it is so wonderful, the corporation should publicly release turnover rates for all their facilities, details of all the lawsuits against them and the number of escapes from and details of the violent incidents at their prisons and detention centers.

With accurate information the public can actually make an informed decision versus one driven by false promises, economic desperation and job uncertainties.

Ms. Grant is well aware that anytime any CCA representative wants to publicly debate this issue in Millen or elsewhere, PCI will be eager to oblige.

For more information go to our webpage:


Ken Kopczynski

Tallahassee , Fla

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